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3 Quick and Easy Vision-Enhancing Relaxation Techniques

Sometimes the easiest solution to our problems is to just slow down! After a long day at work, most of us turn to relaxing activities to ease our minds. We turn on the TV and let the sound and images wash over us. Some of us like to go for walks or listen to some soothing music. These are all great relaxation techniques that can help us cope with the stress of life.

These are all great techniques for relaxing the mind. Relaxing is a crucial part of being healthy. If you don’t do it, you’ll burn out! You’ll get headaches and you’ll have trouble focusing on your work.

A big part of taking care of yourself is allowing yourself the time to relax. Not only relax your mind, but your eyes as well. Numerous people who partake in eye relaxation techniques claim to have enhanced vision from solely relaxing. Talk about a no-hassle way to heighten your vision!

Overstimulation: The Real Problem The real problem we have today is the fact that our eyes are constantly bombarded by visuals. We live in a highly visual society. Walk outside and what do you see? Billboards, street signs, street lights– every business is trying to get your attention.

As a result of this incessant marketing, our eyes are suffering from overstimulation. This could explain why even when you have relaxing days, your eyes still feel tired and heavy. Your eyes are constantly being stimulated without you being conscious of it.

You can’t even escape it in your own homes. TV screens, computer screens, smartphones and really any digital device screen is also overstimulating your vision. This can also lead to digital eye strain.

Unfortunately, there is no way around this abundance of visual stimulation. That is, of course, unless you want to seclude yourself far up in the mountains for the rest of your life.

So, what else can you do? Creating a daily regimen to help your eyes relax is the only way to counter this over-stimulation. The best part about these relaxation techniques is that there is no wrong way to go about creating your own regimen.

Creating Your Relaxation Techniques Regimen Unlike treating specific diseases through natural healing, relaxation is completely dependent on what relaxes you the most. There is no perfect combination of relaxation techniques. Find out which eye exercises work best for you or just pick the ones that you like doing the most!

It is recommended that you do not perform eye relaxation exercises for more than 10 minutes per day. Doing them for longer will actually have counterproductive results. Just like lifting weights or doing cardio, too much training can result in pulled or strained muscles. The same can happen to your eyes.

When is the best time to perform these vision-enhancing relaxation techniques? Well, whenever you like, really. These exercises are easy and don’t require any equipment. You can do them at your desk at work, or at home.

However, if you’d like to be more consistent with your routine, doing your exercises at the same time every day will make sure that you get them done no matter what. But don’t let this limit you. You are only limited by your own imagination!

Here are three vision-enhancing relaxation techniques you get you started on your journey:

1. Eyelid Relaxation Techniques and Visualization This one is pretty easy, but you need to be sitting down or not moving for this one. While some eye exercises can be performed while stuck in traffic, this one requires your eyes to be closed. Do not do perform this exercise if you are operating a vehicle!

First, make sure that your body is comfortable. Whether that means leaning back in your office chair, laying down on your sofa or standing outside in the fresh air, find what is most relaxing and comforting for you.

Then, gently let your eyelids fall to about halfway down. You will most likely notice that your eyelashes are trembling. This is normal. This is like holding a squat position and feeling your thighs tremble. It is not a position that you are used to and may even feel unnatural.

Stop at the trembling point and try to get it to stop. This requires some patience. Once the trembling stops, then slowly close your eyes the rest of the way. Let your eyes rest for a moment but don’t let them get heavy. Let your eyes stay light, as if they were up in the clouds.

Then, focus on the blood rushing to the back of the eye. Let yourself feel the warmth. Visualize a place that relaxes you. It could be a beach, the library, your childhood home, etc.

During your time visualizing, breathe deeply. Breathe in through the nose and exhale through the mouth. Do this for about a minute or so or do it for as long as you feel that your eyes need it.

2. Two-Point Focus For this eye exercise, you will need to find two points or objects that are about a foot and a half apart, vertically. These points can be points that you draw on the wall or it can be two paintings that are a foot and a half apart. Make sure that the objects are not on the same horizontal level.

First, look at the object or point that is placed higher. Focus on it for about 10 seconds. Then slowly shift your gaze down to the other object or point. It is very important that you do not dart your eyes back and forth. Really make sure to notice the space in between the objects as you shift your eyes.

Do this a few times over. You will feel your eyes getting heavier. Don’t fight this! Let your eyes close if they need to relax. If you can allow yourself, don’t hesitate to fall asleep! 3. Pressure Point Stimulation For our last vision-enhancing relaxation technique, we will be using pressure points to stimulate circulation in the eye. One of the most relaxing pressure points are the outside corners of your eyes.

Lightly press your fingers to the outside corners of your eyes and massage them. Slowly move your fingers around the eye and on the eyelid. Massage them until you begin to feel relaxed but not sleepy.

Don’t be afraid to play around with your relaxation techniques. Everyone relaxes differently. To get the most out of your vision-enhancing techniques, try out a lot of them, but pick four or five that work for you. Doing these relaxation eye exercises on a daily basis, along with incorporating the right vitamins, minerals, and herbs into your daily diet can greatly improve your vision – naturally and safely.

This post originally appeared on Rebuild Your Vision.


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