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Answers to the FAQs in Ramazan

Disclaimer: We understand that this is a sensitive topic. By no means are we asking you to change your beliefs should they differ from the guidance below. This is just information that has been collected from authentic sources for those who require further guidance on the subject. May God guide us all.

Using eye drops during Ramadan

If you are fasting during Ramadan, this leaflet will advise you on how to continue managing your eye condition through the use of your eye drops. Your condition may worsen if you do not use your eye drops or attend your hospital appointments, so it is really important to speak to us if you have any further questions or concerns after reading this brochure.

Would using eye drops during Ramadan break my fast?

No. According to The Muslim Council of Britain, your fast will be broken only if an ‘agent of consequence’ (meaning a substance with nutritional or medicinal benefit) reaches the throat, stomach, intestines, or any cavity that has a pathway, and settles there. This does not apply to eye drops, ear drops, injections and blood tests.

Would getting laser treatment (PRK, LASIK, FEMTO LASIK) or Cataract surgery break my fast?

No. Laser treatments such as PRK, LASIK, FEMTO LASIK, and Cataract surgery are performed on the cornea of the eye. Cornea is avascular, meaning that there are no blood vessels in the cornea. Therefore, there is no bleeding during surgery and the patient’s fast is by no means invalidated.

Why is it important to continue using my eye drops during Ramadan?

In order for your condition to be treated as effectively as possible, it is essential that you continue regular use of your eye drops, as instructed by your Doctor. If you still wish to stop using your drops because of Ramadan, please ensure you discuss this first with your Doctor, as it may be possible to adapt your course of treatment according to your fasting schedule.

Why is it important to attend my hospital appointments during Ramadan?

We fully respect your choice to fast however, it is really important that you keep all your appointments with us during Ramadan. This is to ensure that our Doctors continue to keep a check on and manage the health and wellbeing of your eyes. If you would prefer a different appointment time and/or date to the one we have offered you, please notify us. Where possible, we will try to offer you an appointment at a preferred time.

During your appointment, we may need to administer diagnostic dliating eye drops. We are aware that you may be hesitant to have this done in case the drop runs down the back of your mouth or throat, leaving an unpleasant taste. However, this can be avoided by closing your eye and pressing gently on the inner corner of your eye for 30-60 seconds, to ensure the drop is fully absorbed. This will prevent the eye drop escaping from your eye and entering your mouth or throat. Please see the infographic below for further detail.


Muslim Spiritual Care Provision in the NHS.

Prepared by Mufti Zubair Butt, Shariah Advisor and credited by the Muslim Council of Britain, in partnership with the Department of Health and Social Care, UK.


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