There are thousands upon thousands of eye supplements on the market. A simple Google search will bring up an extensive list.
But how do you know which ones are best for you? How many nutrients do your eyes need?
Chances are, you’re unsure of where to start to improve your eye health. Ensuring you get the right nutrients in the right doses is a great place to start. You’re likely getting some of these nutrients from the food you eat, but not all of them.
So, let’s talk about what the best eye supplements are for vision health and where you can find them.
Different Types of Supplements for Eye Health
In a two-part Age-Related Eye Disease Study AREDS and AREDS 2, researchers looked at the effectiveness of eye supplements. The first, AREDS, looked at multivitamins and their ability to ward off cataracts and age-related macular degeneration (AMD). Over 3600 people participated in the 10-year study, taking a daily multivitamin. Many of the participants had early to intermediate stages of the eye diseases. The results? The multivitamin’s antioxidants reduced the risk of AMD advancement by 25 percent. It reduced the risk of vision loss due to AMD by 19 percent. Participants who didn’t take the multivitamin saw no benefits on their AMD progression or cataract progression.
The Best Eye Supplements
Here’s an extensive list of all the best eye supplements you need to be getting. If you don’t get these nutrients from your diet, consider taking them in multivitamin form. Eye supplements and multivitamins are super convenient and effect ways to take care of your eyes.
Vitamin E
Vitamin E is one of the nutrients included in the second age-related eye disease study above. It’s proven to help prevent AMD as well as cataracts. Essentially, vitamin E is an antioxidant that protects the cells from free radicals. When the cells in your eyes get attacked by free radicals, they can get damaged. Thus, allowing AMD and other diseases to develop. By protecting the cells, they stay strong and effective in the eyes. You can get vitamin E from your diet through leafy greens, tropical fruits and oils.
Vitamin C
Vitamin C, another AREDS nutrient, is hugely beneficial for eye health. It’s one of the best eye supplements for reducing the risk of cataracts. Vitamin C is an antioxidant that the blood vessels in your eyes depend on. Capillaries and connective tissues rely on vitamin C to keep the cells strong and healthy. Since the body doesn’t naturally produce this nutrient, we must get it from food or eye supplements. We can find vitamin C in citrus fruits like oranges, grapefruits and limes.
Beta Carotene and Vitamin A
Beta carotene is a form of vitamin A called a provitamin. It’s sourced from fruits and vegetables and gets converted into retinol inside the body. Vitamin A and beta carotene are vital to protecting the cornea. Since the cornea is on the surface of the eye, it’s vulnerable to many risks. It’s susceptible to bacteria and viruses that cause eye infections. By getting enough vitamin A, you protect the cornea’s cells from infections. It can also aid in the treatment of dry eyes and decrease the risk of AMD.
Zinc is a mineral our eyes depend on for producing pigment. It brings vitamin A from the liver to the eyes to create melanin. Zinc is one of the best eye supplements for treating poor vision. If you struggle to see at night and in low lighting, check your zinc levels. You can find it in red meat, tofu, beans and seafood. However, ensure you don’t go over the daily recommended dose of zinc. Too much can cause an upset stomach.
Alpha-Lipoic Acid
ALA is a powerhouse of an antioxidant because it lives in every cell in the body. It’s responsible for keeping the mitochondria healthy and helps the cell to produce energy. Even though our bodies produce it naturally, the amount it produces declines as we age. If you’re starting to notice the signs of aging in your skin and eyes, you might need more ALA. Luckily, the human body isn’t the only place it’s produced. You can find ALA in red meats, sweet potatoes, broccoli and peas.
This post originally appeared on Rebuild Your Vision.